by Jonny Bowden | Blog, Everything Else
According to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, tens of thousands of cancer deaths every year could be prevented with the adoption of a few healthy behaviors or lifestyle choices. Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard...
by Jonny Bowden | Blog, Nutrition, Weight-Loss
Are starchy vegetables fattening? Believe it or not, there’s a ton of confusion out there about vegetables, particularly the starchy ones. Are some of them more “fattening” than others? Should they be avoided? Let’s take a look. Vegetables are usually classified as...
by Jonny Bowden | Blog, Nutrition, Recipes
This is the perfect time of year to talk about pumpkin, ‘cause we pretty much ignore it every month but October, November and December. So while it’s fresh in our minds, how about a little reappraisal of this underappreciated gem of a vegetable? Let’s start with...
by Jonny Bowden | Blog, Everything Else
No matter how you felt about our last election, or which candidate you supported, you probably noticed how the two sides seemed able to look at the exact same set of facts and yet arrive at wildly different conclusions. Well, nutrition has a lot more in common with...
by Jonny Bowden | Weight-Loss
[vc_row][vc_column el_class=”j-like-to”][vc_column_text]I’m going to tell you what it feels like to be 70 years old. But first, a quick story. My brother is a therapist, and he once told me of a client who said to him, “Mr. Bowden. I’m a single mother of...