Vitamin D: The “Real” Fountain of Youth?
According to legend, it was The Fountain of Youth that the famed Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon was seeking when he landed
The One Deadly Food Linked to Heart Disease, Obesity and Diabetes
The evidence against sugar continues to mount– now there’s good evidence that sugar
More Longevity Secrets Revealed!
Last week I gave you seven of my top tips for living longer (and living better!)
Mediterranean Diet May Help Prevent Dementia
Eating a diet rich in healthy fats and limiting dairy and meat could do more than keep your heart healthier.
The Truth About Dark Chocolate
onsuming as little as a square of chocolate per day could help reduce the risk of hypertension and heart disease, according
14 Keys to Longevity (Part One)
As you may know my new book, ‘The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer” is out, and I’ve been doing a round of TV and radio
Bagels or Bacon? The Metabolic Breakfast
A new study from the University of Alabama appears to be setting conventional wisdom on its ear. The study, published online in
Women’s Health Watch: Low-Carb Diets and PCOS
One in ten women has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common reproductive abnormality in premenopausal women,
The Real Way to Reduce Heart Disease: The “Power 5”
While we’re on the topic of “good signs” in the mainstream media, I was somewhat encouraged by a recent story on heart
Statins and Cholesterol: Truth and Fiction
I’ve been arguing against the universal use of statin drugs for several years now, but I’ve felt like the kid at the parade
Why I Am Not A Vegetarian: The China Study
I am not now, and have never been, a vegetarian. OK, that’s not entirely true, I flirted with vegetarianism briefly a few decades
Remember “The Incredible, Edible, Egg”?
Let me be perfectly clear: eggs are one of the most perfect foods on the planet. And– wait for it– that includes the yolk.
Eat More Fat?
What if there was a widely accepted theory that guided government policy and affected your life in all sorts of ways- and what if
The Vitamin D-ilema
A recent presentation at the Endocrine Society’s 91st Annual Meeting reported an interesting connection between vitamin D and weight loss.
Vitamin C, Aspirin and Ulcer Prevention
The following article, “Aspirin and Vitamin C” is a guest article by Dr. Leo Galland, one of the true icons in the field of integrative medicine.
The FDA and the “Big Food” Crackdown?
The recent news that the FDA had sent 17 warning letters to food companies regarding deceptive label claims was met with an
The Power of Strawberries!
You really can’t say enough good things about berries, though goodness knows I never stop trying. I’ve written extensively about
Can An Apple A Day Keep Arthritis Away?
No matter how you slice it, osteoarthritis is a pain. Osteoarthritis (OA), which most of us think of as “arthritis,” is very common. It affects upwards of 20 million Americans. From moms, to retirees, to students, to business people, to athletes…arthritis does not...
The Bowden “11” For Living Longer
The great comedian Lenny Bruce used to have a bit in which he said, “I was going on vacation
The Collapse of the Great American Health Care System
The following is a guest editorial by one of the great icons of integrative medicine, Alan Gaby, MD. Gaby has been in the forefront of
Skin and the Stress Connection
How we feel on the inside could be affecting how we look on the outside. In fact, studies link factors that impact our emotional
The Vitamin Controversy
The thing about “spin” is that we expect it from politicians. We don’t expect it from science writers. Yet more often than
Love in the 21st Century
I’ll be honest- the lead story in this week’s newsletter was going to be a discussion of “The China Project”, a subject I’d been
“The Secret”… and Weight Loss
Guest Column by Anja Christy,Master Certified Weight Loss Coach “The Secret”. The Law of Attraction
Aging: It’s All In Your Mind
Like most animal lovers, I learn a lot from my dogs. (Don’t stop reading if you’re not a dog lover- I promise this
Revealed: Is Grazing Really Better Than 3 Square Meals?
For decades now, the conventional advice from trainers and weight loss specialists has been this: “Eat three meals a day plus two snacks
Arthritis and Omega-3’s: Trials Show Relief
Two controlled clinical trials find that fish-derived omega-3s provide substantial relief and benefit for arthritis
Watch Less TV, Live Longer?
We’ve known for a while that there’s a relationship between television watching and obesity,
The Truth About Agave Nectar: It’s All Hype
Agave nectar/ syrup is basically high-fructose corn syrup masquerading as a health food. It’s easy to understand how agave syrup got
New study: Omega-3’s slow aging!
A new study has found that heart patients with the highest blood levels of omega-3s have lower levels of a key sign of aging.
I Wish I Had Written This Book!
It’s not often that I can point to a book that I wish I had written, but this is one of those times.
Why Low-Fat Caused Obesity
When you have something as massive and scary as the obesity epidemic, it’s hard to point the finger at one single element and say
Aging And Memory Loss – Who Doesn’t Worry?
Few things strike fear in the heart of us baby boomers as much as the idea of losing our memory and hence, our minds.
Obesity or Smoking? Guess Which One Threatens Most
When we reach the point where obesity threatens life expectancy more than smoking, we are in serious trouble.
The Big Missing Element In Health Care Reform
Want to know what’s wrong with the health care debate? It isn’t about getting well. It’s about making sure you have insurance for when you get
Sodas and Obesity – Here’s The Proof!
Despite periodic disclaimers from the American Beverage Association, there isn’t a health professional worth his salt who doesn’t believe soda drinking is linked to obesity.
The Magic Healing Power of Empathy
The amazing mind-body connection to healing is well known to anyone reading this newsletter, but it’s always wonderful when research confirms it. Recently, researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health found that when doctors...
Harvard Says “Drink Up Coffee Lovers!”
I realize there’s a lot of alarmist stuff out there about how coffee can wreck your health. I respectfully disagree.
Can Cats Tell Us Something About Weight? You Bet!
I came across a very interesting piece of info the other day, which I’ve since verified with my veterinary sources:
Four Horsemen of Aging, Part III, Eat The Right Fats For Flexibility
Last week we discussed Inflammation, the first of the "Four Horsemen of Aging". This week we’re going to discuss something called oxidative damage. Here’s how it works. You’ve probably heard of nasty little molecules known as “free radicals”. These “free radicals” do...
Lethal Fructose – Teenagers Staggering Consumption
Back in 1977, average daily consumption of fructose was about 37 grams per person per day.
Eat Less, Live Longer? That’s Right – A Secret of Longevity
It’s a pretty good bet that a diet high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and Omega-3 fats will stack the
FDA – Money, Politics, Power-Brokering and YOU!
Anyone who’s ever seen or read an ad for a nutritional supplement is familiar with the legal disclaimer stated above. Personally, I’ve always found
Let’s Stop Dying, OK?
Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, the University of Toronto and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
“More Potassium” As Important As “Less Sodium”
New Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that increasing potassium
Cholesterol Lie Q & A
Dear Dr. Jonny,Following your suggestion, I just finished reading “The Great Cholesterol Lie”! What an eye-opener.But I recently read in
Vitamin B6 May Lower Heart Attack Risk in Women
In an article published online on August 10, 2009 in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, Harvard researchers report an association between higher plasma levels of vitamin B6 and a reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction (heart at…
7 Imposters: Healthy Foods That Aren’t
You can’t open a newspaper, website or iPhone app without reading about the dangers lurking on our dinner plate
Exercise Isn’t Good for Weight Loss?
What if I were to tell you that exercise is fairly useless for losing weight?Now before you accuse me of heresy, let me explain.
Fish Oil Rivals Antidepressants in Clinical Trial
by Craig WeatherbyThe results of the largest-ever clinical trial found that omega-3 fish oil may significantly benefit half of all people diagnosed with depression.Specifically, fish oil seemed to help the 50 percent of depression patients who are free…