Protein: What’s Best and Why?
Can protein powders help you lose weight? Can they help you build muscle? And does it matter which kind you buy?
9 surprising heart health tips
Having written a book that essentially questions the entire cholesterol establishment and the notion that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease
The Great Cholesterol Myth
Since Amazon is featuring a special on the Kindle Edition of “The Great Cholesterol Myth” during
GMO: Friend or Foe?
I haven’t written about GMO foods before because, frankly, I came a bit late to the party. For
What is Orthorexia Nervosa?
It’s an all-consuming obsession with eating “right”. While Orthorexia is motivated by health, it takes
Ketogenic Diets
A lot of people think of ketogenic diets as high protein diets, but they’re actually not, they’re
I’ve spent a large portion of my career fighting the wrongful demonization of dietary fat, trying to
Scared To Death
Recently, a 30 year old meth addict named Ricky Lee Fowler was found guilty of starting what’s now
What Do You Call A Veterinarian Who Can Only Take Care of One Species?
A physician! Unfortunately, this is no laughing matter, as MD Barbara Natterson-Horowitz has fortunately
The Magic Of Magnesium
Magnesium also lowers blood pressure. Think about your heart working 24/7 to pump blood through your veins.
The Bathroom Scale
There’s something in your bathroom right now that can be your best friend when it comes to getting your weight where you want it.
What is the deal on e-cigarettes?
Research recently came out in the New England Journal of Medicine that seemed to indicate that e-cigarettes could
Virtually every brightly colored fruit (or vegetable) in the universe contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. No
Does Micronutrient Deficiency Cause Obesity?
Micronutrient deficiency is the most widespread and dangerous health condition of the 21st century. This is because medical and nutritional
5 Reasons Your Body Isn’t Absorbing Your Vitamins.
“I’ve recently read that a multivitamin is a waste of money and that all it is giving me is expensive urine. Is this true?”
What Do Home-Cooked Meals Have To Do With Health, Energy And Vitality?
Home-cooked meals are guaranteed to have better ingredients than what’s routinely used in prepared or processed foods.
Carrots, Squash, Peas and Watermelon –Are They Misunderstood by the Low-Carb Crowd?
Do you fear eating bananas? It sounds silly,
9 Surprising Heart Health Tips.
If saturated fat and cholesterol aren’t the problem, what is? And, more importantly, what can I do to protect my heart
Is this common activity making you fat and sick?
When you sit in a chair all day, you start to feel lethargic. Why is that? Because red blood cells in your legs start clumping
Let’s Talk About Bacon.
You see, it all comes down to cholesterol. Bacon has two strikes against it—one, that it’s an animal food
Is Garcinia Cambogia The Next Magical Cure For Obesity?
Garcinia cambogia comes in several forms but the type Dr. Preuss used is called hydroxycitrate, also known as HCA or HCA-SX. .
Cinnamon for High Blood Sugar?
Those are five words you’d really rather not hear from your doctor at your next checkup
Could You Use A Boost Of Ascorbic Acid?
You know what I say to all the people who scoff at vitamin C because it doesn’t really prevent colds?
Want A Super Spice Equipped With A Unique Flavor Profile?
If you’re looking for a spice with some wonderful compounds, have a look at the spice that makes
EASY Ways to Live Better: 4 Ways EGGS Boost Your Energy!
Eggs—yolks and all—contain more than 15 different vitamins and minerals, including double-digit percentages of the daily
Trick Question: How Do You Lower Cholesterol?
The other day, I received a request from a writer working on a story about how to lower cholesterol “naturally”. His questions
Cholesterol: The Misunderstood Molecule
Cholesterol is a very misunderstood molecule. And though many people might not be aware of it, there has long been a vocal minority
Heart-Protective Carrot-Ginger Soup with Chives
The following recipe is from The Great Cholesterol Myth Cookbook by Jonny Bowden, Stephen Sinatra, and Deidre Rawlings.
My 7-Point Program For Preventing Heart Disease
Pay attention to these seven action items, and you just may find that you don’t need to worry quite so much about
Video: My Opinion of the US Weekly Diets Issue
This week, US Weekly published it’s annual issue on diets. Usually I get apoplectic when I read this stuff
Diet Secrets of the Hollywood Stars
Oh, did I ever know that headline would get your attention. OK, are you really, really ready for the real, true, honest dirt?
Hormones and Weight Loss
The following is a guest article from my friend Glen Depke of Depke Wellness. Glen is a traditional naturopath, specializing in adrenal function.
Is Your Thyroid Holding You Back?
The thyroid got a lot of attention in the media back in 2007 when Oprah Winfrey announced she had had a thyroid condition, and with good reason—the thyroid is your metabolic gatekeeper.
Weight Loss Tips That Work
I’ve been talking about all the bad weight loss advice out there, but today, in this short video
The 5 Tastiest Snacks that Flatten Your Stomach
Let’s start with the bad news. You can do 1,000 sit ups every day
Things to Remember When Reading Your Next Diet Book
To those of us who write books, January is synonymous with the phrase “New Year New You”.
Video – Bad Weight Loss Advice
Want to know the single biggest lie told by every diet book author on the planet?
5 Great Tips for Making New Year’s Resolutions Work
Ever wonder why so many good intentions are forgotten by the second week in January?
Healthier Holiday Nog
Place the egg yolks and 2 tablespoons of the sugar into a mixing bowl and beat until it thickens.
Rack of Lean Lamb with Herbs and Roasted Shallots
The following is from The 150 Healthiest Comfort Foods on Earth by Dr. Jonny Bowden and Jeannette Bessinger for Fair Winds Press.
Three Great Holiday Recipes
This tangy orange-cranberry relish is made with fresh cranberries, not canned, and less than half the sugar of conventional canned relish.
Free Range Citrus-Stuffed Herbed Turkey
The following is from The 150 Healthiest Comfort Foods on Earth by Dr. Jonny Bowden and Jeannette Bessinger for Fair Winds Press.
Preventing (or curing) Holiday Weight Gain in Six Easy Steps
The comedian Lenny Bruce used to have a routine about shark attacks.
Ask Dr. Jonny: Crickets for Lunch?
In this Ask Dr. Jonny video, Dr. Jonny answers Nick Bruno’s question, “What’s your opinion of consuming
Delicious Ways to Enjoy Vegetable Juicing for Weight Loss
Many heath experts, myself included, are advocates of vegetable juicing for weight loss, and will easily recommend
My Crazy Immune Boosting Turmeric Elixir
The following is a guest article and recipe from my friend, and juicing guru Drew Canole.
Green Foods and Drinks
Green foods and drinks (barley, wheatgrass, chlorella, spirulina, blue green algae). If dogs happen to
Ask Dr. Jonny!
In this Ask Dr. Jonny Video, Dr. Jonny answers John Northcote’s question, “What are
Portobello Buffalo Tenderloin
Preheat the oven to 300°. In a medium skillet over medium heat, melt the butter or heat the oil. Add the garlic and onion and sauté for one minute.
Study Finds Less Exercise Increases Metabolic Syndrome
A study in the journal Preventive Medicine found women don’t get as much exercise as men, which increases