Jenny McCarthy Thinks Vaccines Cause Autism? Not so fast…
People who read People (sorry, I couldn’t resist..) will know all about her Playboy
Busting Myths About Calories + Cholesterol
Two of my favorite myths to bust are…
Controversial New Heart Disease Documentary Comes Under Attack
Do you have any interest in heart disease, saturated fat, cholesterol or statin drugs?
The Best Book on Success Ever Written?
I just had the opportunity to read what may be the best book on success ever written. Well, I didn’t actually read it, because, as of this writing, it hasn’t been published. But I did get to read a long excerpt of it, and promptly pre-ordered it on Amazon, something I...
The Most Delicious Way to Burn Fat
The fat in coconut oil — a form of saturated fat known as MCT (medium chain triglycerides) — is among the healthiest fat in the world.
What Really Makes Us Healthy: The X-Factor
What are the most important foods for vitality and good health? What are the most important supplements to take?
I Ate Ice Cream for Breakfast!
Sunday morning, Michelle and I ate ice cream for breakfast. It gets worse. We also ordered gluten-free pizza from Domino’s.
Are Your Hormones Wreaking Havoc on Your Health?
I just got done recording a fantastic interview with female hormone specialist Dr. Anna Cabeca.
Does a pH Balancing Diet Work?
Many people are convinced that balancing the pH of your diet will help keep you healthier.
Infographic: Heart-Healthy Moving Advice
Infographic design and illustration by Kena Ravel for MyMove
My New Morning Ritual
From time to time, I stumble upon a product I didn’t expect to like but actually do —which is exactly what happened
A Moving Apology From a Mainstream MD
Dr. Attia was a mainstream surgeon who swallowed all the mainstream stuff about diabetes and obesity until
15% of Seniors Are Clinically Low in This Vitamin…
In his book, Your Nutrition Prescription,Dr. H.L. Newbold, tells the story of a 76-year old German woman who came to see
“What Should I Eat for Lunch?”
If you are reading this blog post, then I’m pretty sure the question “What can I eat?”
Don’t Take Your Vitamins!
Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,
The Health Report You Never Read
I know you get a million newsletters like this with scary headlines like “The Doctors Report THEY Don’t
8 Simple Rules to Reduce Your Risk of Dying Early
Back in 2007, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) together with the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
Conventional Cholesterol Tests are Obsolete
As many of you know, I’ve been traveling around a bit, speaking about our best-selling book “The Great
6 Toxic Chemicals Lurking in Your Favorite Skin Care Products
If you read my blog then you probably spend a lot of time at the grocery store scanning food labels
High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer
The thing about high blood pressure is that at least 25% of folks who have it don’t know they have it.
The Carnitine Controversy: What Does That New “Red Meat” Study Really Tell Us?
It hasn’t been a great week for carnivores.A new study found that an amino acid-like compound found in red
Diabetes: Prevention and Cure
It’s almost impossible to talk about diabetes these days without also mentioning its constant companion: obesity.
Why Lowering Cholesterol Won’t Prevent Heart Disease
Trying to prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol is like trying to prevent obesity by cutting the lettuce out of your
Soda and the Nanny State
On Tuesday, March 12, on the day before it was scheduled to go into effect, a state judge struck down New
Green Tea Boosts Memory
A Swiss scientific team gives us the first look inside the brains of green tea drinkers.
Mediterranean Diet…The Best Diet Ever? Not So Fast!
Last week, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study which, according to the fawning mainstream press, proved "conclusively" that the best diet in the world was the Mediterranean diet, that it protected everyone from heart disease and stroke, and that...
150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: Krill Oil
Krill Oil is even better than fish oil for lowering blood pressure, boosting mood and memory, and even reducing symptoms of PMS.
More Statin Drug Deception!
The following is a guest article by Justin Smith, the man who made the incredible documentary
Statin Drugs May Raise Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Health Canada has updated the labeling for commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs called
150 Healthiest Foods: Green Beans
The folate (folic acid) in green beans lowers the inflammatory compound called homocysteine which is usually high in people with heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Chemicals in Food that Make You Fat
For decades we’ve been told that the “formula” for weight loss is incredibly simple: eat less and exercise more
Postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Reduces Mortality Risk?
The following is a guest article by Raymond Ishman, MD, CEO and Chief Medical Officer of Cenegenics, Philadelphia
13 Ways to Stick to Your Diet During the Holidays
Are you afraid the holidays will derail your diet? They don’t have to!
8 Cholesterol Myths Your Doctor Still Believes
As some of you may know, cardiologist Stephen Sinatra and I co-authored a book which was recently
The Two Worst Foods in the World
Ask 10 people to name the two worst movies ever made and you’ll probably get a lot of different answers.
Scared to Death: How Stress Can Actually Kill You
Recently, a 30 year old meth addict named Ricky Lee Fowler was found guilty of starting what’s now known
The Tyranny of Motivation
If I had to pick the one question I’m asked most frequently, it would almost certainly have to be this: How do I get motivated?
Trick Question: How Do You Lower Cholesterol Naturally?
The other day, I received a request from a writer working on a story about how to lower cholesterol “naturally”.
Even Your Fat Cells Need Sleep
Even Your Fat Cells Need Sleep, According to New Research courtesy of the National Sleep Foundation
Proposition 37 and GMO Foods: Yea or Nay?
On November 6th, those of us who live in California will get to vote on Proposition 37, which requires mandatory
Reevaluating The “F-Word”
Have you ever you seen a terribly overweight person walking down the street and thought to yourself, “How could she let
Bloody Aftermath of The Diet Wars
Anyone who follows politics has heard the oft-repeated axiom that we are, at heart, a center-right country. And it’s true.
No Willpower? Bulletproof Your Kitchen!
Know what the first step in any twelve-step program is? Admitting that you’re powerless over whatever it is you’re addicted to
4 Things That Will Kill You Way Before Cholesterol
I’m going to tell you a secret– something that the smartest, most cutting edge health professionals all know and have been
Modest Weight Loss Has Lasting Benefits
Overweight and obese individuals can achieve a decade’s worth of important health benefits by losing just 20 pounds,
The Organic Food Lie
The media reporting of a new Stanford study purporting to show that organic food has no substantial benefit over conventionally
A New Way to Think About Weight Loss
The other day I had a funny little backyard conversation with my girlfriend that prompted me to question
Egg Yolks as Dangerous as Smoking?
Oh brother, here we go again… Last week, the journal Atherosclerosis published a study examining the association
Soy Oil Mistaken as Healthful
The following is a guest post from health journalist Craig Weatherby, courtesy of our great friends at Vital Choice Wild Seafood.
Computer Use + Exercise = Reduced Memory Loss
A study in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that combining computer time with moderate exercise reduces your risk of memory loss compared