“Should I Eat Before I Exercise?”
For as long as I can remember- from the first time I set foot in a gym, actually- I’ve been listening to folks debate the question
New Research: Omega-3’s Improve Your Mood!
Encouraging animal research from France supports evidence that omega-3 fatty acids play a key role in mood health … and expands
Eat Chocolate for Heart Health
A study from Harvard examined the chocolate-eating habits of over 31,000 Swedish women and concluded that women who consumed
Raw Chocolate Fondue Recipe
This raw chocolate fondue recipe is from the book, “The Healthiest Meals on Earth” by myself and my co-author, chef extraordinaire
Featured Recipe: Crunchy Apple Baked Beans
The following recipe is just for readers of this newsletter, “In Step With Jonny”—it’s an advance preview of our forthcoming book,
Vegetables and Fruits Lower Risk of Dying by 22%
One of the largest studies of links between diet and heart disease was recently completed. The results were very clear:
Preventing Kidney Stones
I’ve never had kidney stones, but I’ve heard people describe the pain of passing them as akin to pulling your upper lip over
“Eat Every Three Hours”: Oh, Really?
On a recent blog I talked about a popular tactic advocated by many personal trainers called “The Cheat Day”. As I explained on last weeks blog
The Fabulous Pistachio: Don’t Ignore This Healthy Snack
If pistachio nuts had a public-relations agent, she would have been mighty happy with the results of
Lemon Honey Melon Salad with Chevre and Pistachios
The following recipe is just for readers of this newsletter, “In Step With Jonny”—it’s from the just-released book,
Why I Don’t Believe in “Cheat Day”
There’s a ton of diet programs that suggest you take one day “off” from your diet program- a “Cheat Day”– when you can eat whatever you like.
This Supplement Really Does Help Prevent Heart Disease
Fish oil helps prevent heart disease. There, I’ve said it, no disclaimers, no “these statements haven’t been evaluated by the
Teenagers and Heart Disease: The Number One Culprit
United Press International: Teenagers who eat a diet high in sugar — mainly due to sweetened drinks — may have a higher risk of heart
A Reversal On Carbs!
This article has been adapted and condensed for this newsletter from a superb article by Marni Jameson which originally appeared
Fructose Turns to Fat Faster Than Any Other Sugar
Pretty much everyone is aware of the fact that high-fructose corn syrup is bad news. But not everyone really understands why.
Trans Fat Free Foods? Don’t Believe the Label!
NEWSWISE: Did you know that when you pick up a product promoted as trans fat free, you may still be ingesting a significant
Using Guided Imagery as a Weight Loss Tool
Guided imagery is a program of directed thoughts and suggestions. It’s a way to help you harness the power of your subconscious mind
Top Ten Ways to Jump-Start Weight Loss
These ten tips for jump-starting weight loss will serve you well! They are simple and easy to follow. Give them a try and watch what happens!
4 Stress Relief Tips for Any Season
Let me outline 4 simple steps to relieve stress, and an order in which you can follow them.
The Most Important Tip for Holiday Eating
Wonderful as they may be for everything else, when it comes to sticking to a weight loss plan, holidays can be downright deadly.
The Two Most Effective Strategies for Keeping Weight Off
There’s a ton of info out there on how to lose weight, but not nearly as much on how to keep it off. But that’s about to
Fantastically Interesting Lectures About Food from TED
Interested in food? I’m a huge fan of the TED conference, a legendary yearly event in which some of the smartest and most dynamic thinkers
Why You Should Ignore The New Government Report on Vitamin D
On Wednesday, Nov 30, the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board issued a report saying in essence that
Weight Watchers: A Change Is Coming!
For years I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Weight Watchers. I love the fact that they’ve tapped into one of the most potent strategies for
Why You Shouldn’t Eat Any Meat Except Grass-Fed!
With all the talk about how “bad” meat is for you, you might be forgiven for wondering if purchasing organic, grass-fed beef
This Food Can Help Prevent Breast Cancer!
Watercress, the superfood, is now watercress the breast cancer preventive, according to a study released
Featured Recipe: Fast and Fiery Smoked Trout Wraps
The following recipe is just for readers of “In Step With Jonny”—it’s an advance preview of our forthcoming book,
Why You Should Never Trust The Government About Nutrition
Recently, a story about Domino’s Pizza got a lot of attention in the media, but for all the wrong reasons. Here’s what happened.
Black Raspberries May Prevent Colon Cancer
ScienceDaily (Nov. 2, 2010) — Black raspberries are highly effective in preventing colorectal tumors
Cutting Carbs More Effective Than Cutting Fat for Certain Women
Obese women with insulin resistance lose more weight after three months on a lower-carbohydrate diet than on a traditional
7 Quick Tips to Eat Smart After Dark
Late-night eating is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to weight loss.
This Spice Manages Your Blood Sugar
A new study by Richard Anderson, PhD at the US Department of Agriculture has found that cinnamon may help reduce risk factors
Drinking This Beverage Will Increase the Risk for Diabetes
(Xinhua News Agency- Oct. 29, 2010). A new study has found that regular consumption of soda
Walnuts Can Help You Manage Stress!
A diet rich in walnuts and walnut oil may prepare the body to deal better with stress, according to a team of Penn State researchers
Black Rice: Better than Blueberries?
There’s a new health food on the horizon—black rice. And this time, the media hype may be accurate. Emerging research shows
Featured Recipe: Decadent Better-Fat Walnut Brownies
The following recipe for decadent, healthy brownies is just for readers of this newsletter, “In Step With Jonny”
What Nutritional Labels Really Mean
Nutritional labels- often confusing for even the most sophisticated consumers- contain a lot of information. Some of it is useful. A good deal of it is not.
What’s the Real Deal on Collodial Silver?
If someone told you that they were in possession of something that could cure any illness almost instantaneously, would you
Antioxidants Lower the Risk for Heart Disease!
If you read the popular media, you’ve probably gotten the impression that antioxidant supplements don’t “work”.
Are Gourmet Salts Better For Your Health?
There are an awful lot of claims being made for gourmet salt and they fall into two categories: health benefits and taste.
Blueberries May Help Deter Diabetes!
A daily smoothie containing antioxidant-rich blueberry powder increased sensitivity to insulin in people at risk for diabetes.
What you need to know about the new dietary guidelines
Ever wonder how the Food Pyramid gets created? Well sit back and relax, cause this is an interesting story.
Featured Recipe: (No-Cooking!) Creamy Waldorf Slaw in Seconds
The following recipe is just for readers of this newsletter, “In Step With Jonny”—it’s an advance preview of our forthcoming book
Kombucha Tea: What’s the Real Deal?
If you’re one of the many people who takes celebrities seriously as a source of information on nutrition and fitness, you
A Health Guru Dies of Cancer
Last week, I wrote of the sad and untimely death of the great nutritionist and educator Robert Crayhon who lost his battle
Featured Recipe: Avocado Soup with Cheesy Tortillas in No Time
The following recipe is just for readers of this newsletter, “In Step With Jonny”—it’s an advance preview of our forthcoming book
Consumers Reports on Dangerous Supplements
The September issue of Consumers Reports- the same one that famously dissed the iPhone 4 for not being able to make decent
Media Culpa: More Low-Fat Lies (Part Two)
Last week I told you about a study that got a ton of press in the media, a study that concluded that animal-based low-carb
Robert Crayhon: 1961-2010
On Saturday, September 4, 2010, the world of nutrition and integrative health lost a giant figure.
Light and Lemony 10-Minute Flounder
The following recipe is just for readers of “In Step With Jonny”—it’s an advance preview of our forthcoming book,