Top Ten Ways to Jump-Start Weight Loss

These ten tips for jump-starting weight loss will serve you well!

They are simple and easy to follow. Give them a try and watch what happens!

  1. Eat protein at every meal, including breakfast.
  2. Eliminate wheat– and flour-based products for the time being. And yes, that definitely includes bread and pasta.
  3. Eliminate “food products”. Ninety percent of what you eat should be food that could have been hunted, caught, gathered from the ground, plucked from a tree or grown
  4. Reduce starch. When you do eat starches, choose from “real” carbohydrates. Best choices are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans and legumes.
  5. Don’t eat unlimited amounts of fruit and be careful with the extra-sweet, extra-ripe variety. For now, keep fruits to two a day, and choose the low-sugar, high-fiber variety. Apples, grapefruits and especially berries all are good choices. For now, fruit should be eaten alone or with something light like nuts or a little cheese. Lose the fruit juice.
  6. Reduce or eliminate dairy for the time being, especially cow’s milk. Exceptions: reasonable amounts of cheese and occasional portions of yogurt, but not the fat-free kind (it contains way too much sugar).
  7. Try eliminating alcohol. You can always go back to moderate drinking later on if it works for you.
  8. Stop using vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower and corn. The supermarket kinds are highly refined, and oxidize easily when heated, contributing to arterial plaque.
  9. Worry less about the amount of fat you eat and pay more attention to the kind of fat you eat. The worst are fried foods, margarine and foods that contain hydrogenized or partially hydrogenized oils. The best is omega-3, found in fish and flaxseed oil.
  10. Drink at least eight or more large glasses of pure water a day. Every day. No excuses.
This is just one of the “Top 10 Lists” that is included with my Diet Boot Camp




  1. natural weight loss

    Discipline plays a very important role in every weight loss program. Without this you will not succeed in your goals no matter how you keep on searching about do’s and don’ts for your weight loss.This is the most important lesson I’ve learned in my weight loss program. Emotional eating is one of the top reasons why weight loss efforts do not succeed. In order to effectively lose the extra weight, you have to find ways to cope with your emotions without having to resort to eating. Emotional eating is mostly linked to the mindset of an individual. Once you sway your mind in an optimistic direction, you can easily control your emotional eating habits.

  2. mary sankus

    Great recommendations, thanks

  3. Mary West

    Dear Dr Bowden,
    I recently purchased two of your books, 140 meaal plans and 150 healthier foods, I can hardly wait to get them……I am 81 yers old with several medical challengies, but still keep myself as active as I can. I have tried several diet/exercise programs but cannot do a lot of the exercises they require, never – the -less I did drop ten pounds ( 218–208) Now I am stuck there. please help. Your new friend , Mary West

  4. How to get Lean

    Good blog all the tips are useful. This will help me to keep fit and fine. Thanks for this wonderful post and hoping to post more of this article.


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