The Prime of Ms. Jane Brody
Not too long ago, I picked up the Tuesday New York Times and went immediately to an article in the Science section on heart health. Seeing that it was written by Jane Brody, I felt the all-too-familiar knot in my stomach whenever I see her by-line (for reasons which...
So who IS “The Biggest Loser”?
As I watched the first ever episode of “The Biggest Loser” back in 2004, I remember one question popping immediately into my head:

Why Is A Nutritionist Talking About Amy Schumer?
This column is about the new Amy Schumer movie, I Feel Pretty.
You’re probably wondering, why is a nutritionist is writing about the Amy Schumer movie?
Well, for the same reason I wrote about Kate going to fat camp in This is Us. Which is that it touches on issues that every nutritionist deals with on a daily basis.

It’s Heart Health Month—Don’t fall for the BS
It’s heart health month, the time of year when I typically get apoplectic reading all the bullshit about how important it is for us to check our cholesterol. And with a new class of cholesterol lowering drugs about to hit the market, you can count on aggressive...