150 Healthiest Foods: Green Beans
The folate (folic acid) in green beans lowers the inflammatory compound called homocysteine which is usually high in people with heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
The folate (folic acid) in green beans lowers the inflammatory compound called homocysteine which is usually high in people with heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
The following recipe is from “The Healthiest Slow-Cooker Recipes on Earth”, by myself and Jeannette Bessinger, available on Amazon.com
From time to time I hear from people who absolutely love the whey protein powders we sell on our website like Dream Protein,
Those who read my book “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth” may remember my rhapsodic waxing about a
In a number of impressive published studies, the consumption of onions (and other members of the allium vegetable family) demonstrated protective effects